DaVinci Resolve App for Linux for Free

DaVinci Resolve App for Linux for Free

Download DaVinci Resolve for Windows PC

Install App

Irrespective of whether you use Ubuntu, Fedora, or any other Linux OS, one thing that sets DaVinci Resolve on Linux apart is its wide range of features designed to enhance your video editing experience.

  • On any Linux OS, high dynamic range grading allows users to edit the video content, grading its color, and adding special effects.
  • The advanced trimming feature enables precise editing according to the requirements of the user.<
  • It also has a Fairlight audio post-production feature unique to Linux OS, which allows editing, sweetening, mixing and delivering at up to 1,000 channels

Install DaVinci Resolve App on Linux

In order to install DaVinci Resolve on Ubuntu, the first step is to ensure you have all the necessary packages or libraries installed on your system.


Steps Description
1 Open Terminal and update the list of packages available for installation in your system through the command sudo apt update.
2 Download DaVinci Resolve installation package (the .zip file) from our fan website.
3 Extract the .zip file to get the actual .run file.
4 After getting the .run file, make it executable using the chmod +x command.
5 Run the .run file with sudo to install DaVinci Resolve.

Enjoy DaVinci Resolve on Linux

If you're looking to perform a DaVinci Resolve download for Linux, there are only a few simple steps to follow. After ensuring your system meets the technical requirements, you'll need to locate our fan website for Windows-compatible version of the software. After downloading the installation package, just follow the aforementioned steps to complete installation and setup on your Linux OS.

Download DaVinci Resolve for Free

While the process to download DaVinci Resolve for Linux may differ slightly depending on your specific Linux OS, some general steps can be followed. Make sure that your system includes the necessary requirements and then locate our fan website. The installation package, once downloaded, can then be set up according to the provided instructions.